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Posted by on December 10, 2013

20131210-161715Hmm.. I see the dumb dumb hacked my blog again. 🙁 Oh well I’m so excited!

I went outside today and the whole world was covered in ice! I LOVE ICE. I LOVE TO EAT ICE ALL DAY. Nym and I got to go on the rooftop and play while dad froze. It was amazing! We chased each other and ate a lot of ice and pooped on the ice, and made yellow snow and everything! Dad said we were crazy but I don’t know what that means. We haven’t gotten to go to the dogpark lately because dad says it’s “nasty” out there and I don’t know what that means either but oh well! The roof is a good second choice and there is a slide we can slide down in the ice. It’s soooo fun! Nym is much faster than me on the ice. She has these weird feet that spread out and look like duck feet. Weird full breed. She might be faster but when I tackle her, she is no match for me! heehehe!

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