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Posted by on March 26, 2012

REALLY!! My rescue human took me for a ride (ick, I hate those car things) but when we got out she carried me into another place! The first thing I saw was the humans who held me yesterday! My rescue parents left after awhile and I was still there so I guess this means it’s my forever home!!!! YAY!!!  I spent a lot of time sniffing around. So many scents! There are a lot of scents from something called “bunnehs” too.. They don’t make any noise but they move a lot and I like to watch them. I even licked one! (hehe).  I got very sleepy after my new human fed me and he showed me my new safe spot. It is SOO cool! It’s like ten times bigger than me and it has a bed in it, ALL MINE! I’m going to sleep now. I’m so happy I found a forever home. I can’t wait to grow up!

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