I’ve been busy!

I’ve been going to a lot of dog parks and meeting so many friends! I’m still a little scared but it gets easier every time. I played with my human’s friend’s puppy named Luke. He is really fun! I went to the vet again today for more “shawts” and I weigh 20 pounds now! I’m getting big! I still do not like the car, but it takes me to fun places so I’m going to have to get over that soon!I am doing better though!

I also got to go on a really long trip to some place called “Paw-Is” or maybe “Pear-Is”? Anyway, there was a lot of fields and trees and another doggie friend who showed me around while the humans did other things. I had so much fun that I slept for two whole hours in the back seat of my humans Jeep.

Here is a picture of me resting with my human after some fun!

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What is Lost Veegas?

My humans had to go someplace called “Lost Veegas”. I don’t know what that means but it means a new adventure for me! I am staying with new friends Whiskey and Whipper. Our first meet did not go very well. I was very scared and I yelped a lot when Whiskey tried to investigate me a little too quickly but I got over it. Now Whiskey and I are best friends! Whiskey’s human keeps taking pictures of me and sending them to my humans so they can see me where they are. I can’t wait until they get home!



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First Vet visit with my new human and my brother is sick :(

My humans took me to the “vet” today. I did not like it. There were other dogs there and I was scared. I hope I’m not always scared of other dogs, they look like they have fun playing. I found out my brother was there too, Shane. He is sick. I hope he gets better but everyone is worried. It was nice to get to see Shane though. The doctor pricked me with something and ruffled my ears and then I was done so I guess it’s not so bad. I am growing too! I weigh 13 pounds!

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REALLY!! My rescue human took me for a ride (ick, I hate those car things) but when we got out she carried me into another place! The first thing I saw was the humans who held me yesterday! My rescue parents left after awhile and I was still there so I guess this means it’s my forever home!!!! YAY!!!  I spent a lot of time sniffing around. So many scents! There are a lot of scents from something called “bunnehs” too.. They don’t make any noise but they move a lot and I like to watch them. I even licked one! (hehe).  I got very sleepy after my new human fed me and he showed me my new safe spot. It is SOO cool! It’s like ten times bigger than me and it has a bed in it, ALL MINE! I’m going to sleep now. I’m so happy I found a forever home. I can’t wait to grow up!

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Strange Places, New People. Hoping!

It’s been awhile, Sorry! But I’m so excited I can’t even think! I’ve been eating, sleeping and playing a lot here at the rescue. People come to visit but today my siblings and I went to this strange place. People were talking and laughing a lot and there were many scary noises from these things with two wheels but there were also new smells of things I wanted to eat! My siblings and I were all in hour crate safe place. People kept ooing and ahhing and picking us up and holding us. It was scary but nice to have attention. I was very tired. A man came by and started looking at me. I met his eyes and held there wondering why he was staring at me. I mean, I am pretty but still! He asked one my rescue humans if he could hold me. He did and would not put me down! His human lady had bright red hair and she snuggled me. Everyone was petting me. This lasted for a long time and then he put me back in with my siblings and spent a lot of time talking to my rescue humans. I don’t know what this means but I’m trying not to get my hopes up. I hope I find a forever home soon.

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Oh! I found another picture of me!

Here you go! This is me with my siblings. Aren’t we cute!

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I’m one month old today!

I turned one month old today! I’m so happy! I still eat and sleep a lot. It’s nice here at the rescue. There are a lot of humans and puppies! Ok, time to sleep again.. Or eat.. I can’t decide. Oh! Here is a picture of me with my mommy.. Nom Nom Nom!

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Hello World!

Hi! I’m Ghost. I was born today, January 18th 2012. My mommy is named Pearl and my dad.. Well.. I don’t know my dad but maybe I’ll meet him some day! Right now I’m a little busy eating and sleeping. A lot of sleeping. Bye!

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